Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm Back!

It's been over a week since I've posted anything.  It's been a not-so-good few days but I'm back on track now.  I promised you all I would blog about the good, the bad, and the ugly that I go through on my journey, and let me tell you, there was a lot of bad and ugly...

Last Thursday I left for my high school reunion in Nebraska, however, long story short, I had a detour in my trip that landed me in Austin with some good friends for the night while waiting to try to fly out on Friday.  I was offered a sandwich for lunch and I happily accepted it, instead of saying "well, actually, I don't eat bread."  I really did enjoy the sandwich, so I kinda pushed it out of my mind... BAD Jenny!

In the airport the next day it only got worse.  I got there just before lunch and was walking through the terminal looking at all the choices.  Although there were several things I could have eaten that were completely on track for me, I instead chose the big slice of pepperoni pizza.  BAD Jenny!

I got to my home town and was picked up by my friend, only to head straight out for dinner and drinks... I bet you can guess that it wasn't a very "primal" meal... Yummy tacos, rice and beans, and lots of beer... BAD JENNY!

The next day I did try and redeem myself by ordering a bacon egg and cheese biscuit at McDonnalds and did not eat the biscuit... At lunch I had a burger without a bun, but then had my arm twisted into having a mint oreo shake... BAD Jenny!

That night only got worse... My reunion mixer... we had roast beef sandwiches, fries and pasta salad that were paid for with our $30 ticket... this to me didn't sound like it was worth $30 so when they expected us to pay for good drinks, or drink keg beer for free... guess which I chose?  I'll give you a hint... I woke up the next morning with a hangover and money in my pocket.  BAD Jenny!

That next morning was not so good... in fact the whole day was bad.  I was so sick I didn't eat all day for fear of throwing it up.  Serves me right!

You would have thought I learned my lesson, but on the way back home, at DIA all my stomach was hungry for was some cheese bread from Pizza Hut... Yep, I ate it all, and I regretted it later.  BAD Jenny!

I finally got home and told myself to get back on track, but I was still so tired and had nothing in my house to eat since I'd been gone for 5 days, that I laid on the couch all day and ate the only thing I had in my freezer (which I still can't believe I missed when I cleaned it out), Some Pilsbury Biscuits.  Yummy, but so not good.  BAD Jenny!

After that, I slowly got back on track which leads me to last nights 3 mile walk with my dog and this mornings awesome breakfast of bacon, eggs, and veggies, and a great walk and work out this morning!  GOOD JENNY!!

I guess what I'm saying is that yes, I messed up, but I'm not letting it completely derail my efforts.  I'm back on the horse and ready to ride!  Today is going to be a GREAT day!


1 comment:

  1. glad to hear you're back on track. it's hard to stay on track when you're traveling. i bet it'll be easier and you do better next time :) i know you can do it!
