Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cutting the "Fat"

As part of my goal of loosing weight and becoming lean I intend to cut the fat that my body is hanging on to. That, however, is not the point of my post today. The fat I am referring to is the "fat" in other areas of my life. All of those things that are taking up space that have no real purpose other than to get in the way. I want my life to be lean and efficient in every possible way.

A few weeks ago I started this process by cleaning out my pantry and you would not believe how much processed grain and other foods were in there! I took it all out and begin to sort it into what I absolutely needed to throw away or better yet recycle, what I could donate to food banks and give to friends, and what I was going to keep around "just in case." I put all the "just in case" stuff either way up high where I wouldn't think about it or out in our garage freezer. I also overhauled my refrigerator. It's a nice feeling to open up the pantry and refrigerator to see a well-organized space to store food.

Today I continued my quest for organization by tackling the "junk drawers" in the house. Again, I found a lot to donate, recycle, and get rid of. I don't know why Phil and I get so lazy and let our clutter get so out of control. I know it stresses me out, so why the heck do I do it? One word: Laziness.

Still to come: (not necessarily in this order)
"Crap" room - full of unpacked boxes, and teaching stuff being stored for the summer
Garage - I have to motivate Phil to help me on this one...
Under sinks
And I'm sure I'll come up with a few more things to organize as I go along.

I know this is going to take awhile and I hope I don't get lazy and stop... I don't think I will. It's such a great feeling to open up a drawer or closet and see everything in its place. Along with focusing on what I'm consuming, I will be focusing a lot more on staying organized. It does not come naturally to me, and it's time I train myself to be that way! Nothing but good can come from it.

I will post pictures of all the "fat" I'm getting rid of as I unearth it. I'm so lucky I have a summer vacation so I don't have to find time in my schedule to get this done. Wish me luck!


  1. Jenny! You are such an inspiration! Though I am further along in my journey, recent "events" :) and changes in routine have caused a lurch in my progress, and I can tell that reading your blog is going to help me get back on the right track. I, too, have all these areas of my home and my life to clean out. Although I am no longer teaching, I still have teaching supplies and curriculum to organize. There is stuff that will be useful when I go back to teaching in the future, and plenty that I will never dig out again... Anyway, I'm so proud of you, and I want to join you in your quest. This blog is awesome! Mind if I link to it in my blog? (eventually -- I need to update it! lol).

  2. Summer,
    Thanks so much for the words of encouragement! It has been fun getting this started and I'm so happy to inspire you to do better. That's exactly why I started the blog... to hopefully inspire others, and in turn keep myself going strong. I must say you've been a big inspiration to me as well. You can most definitely link my blog in with your blog! Feel free to pass the word on in any way you see fit. I think in general, the more people we can reach, the stronger we will be in our own lives with staying on track.
